4 Special Kids
Special Events

Meet The Team

My daughter Luciana and I have been attending events at Se4sk for several years now. No matter the event, Jami always puts the kids' best interest first and foremost. She runs a tight ship with results which are consistently outstanding. Every single kid leaves extremely happy or sad because they were having so much fun they did not want to leave. I have first hand experience from my own 9 year old daughter.
It is also a place I feel safe as a parent because there is a room full of adults who feel overwhelmed or sometimes just need a smile or conversation from another parent who fully understands what life is like with a child with special needs.
In closing, please know Jami has literally put blood, sweat, and even a few tears into this program to make it successful for the children, along with the hundreds of volunteers, since its inception. If it was not for this program, Luciana and I would not feel a sense of local community at Se4sk as we currently do. It is a true treasure and memories for a lifetime for my daughter to enjoy and be included as part of something extra special!
With Fondness,
Jenn Magazu

Being a family with children having special needs can be very isolating. We often focus on all the appointments we have for our children. For my family, I was reluctant to take my family out in the community due to some negative experiences with judgemental people. I love participating with Se4sk events because my children feel welcomed and comfortable. It is a judgement free zone that they can have fun and experience new things with a great group of families and volunteers.

I am writing on behalf of SE4SK as a parent and active participant in their program. My 15 year old son Alex was diagnosed with Autism at age 2. While children on the spectrum have different abilities and struggles the one thing most families have in common is the isolation. Fear of trying to navigate relationships and activities can be tricky. Organizations like SE4SK help break that barrier down. The benefits of socialization in a small group of familiar faces help children relate to their peers and nurture their self-confidence. For parents, it is a sense of normalcy and belonging.
My son in particular has never been able to “play” in the normal sense when you think of children. If we went to a park, he would play alone, never jumping in on a game of tag or interacting directly with other children. Since we have joined SE4SK my son gets excited about an upcoming activity, and always has a good time. He is able to explore new places with “his friends”. We have been able to experience new things together as a family unit, like playing a simple game of bingo without judgment. The experiences are free of charge which is a blessing. They are designed intentionally with a smaller number of people meaning the chances of your child being over stimulated and having to leave early are reduced. The volunteers who give their time to SE4SK plan and execute the events with care. This group gives my son the ability to socialize in his own way with other kids like him, which gives a sense of inclusiveness.
I am thankful to have found SE4SK, and that my son feels so accepted and loved.
Melissa Buck

Good Afternoon,
My 16-year-old son, Alex, and our family are recent members of SE4SK. In the short time we have been members, I have seen how much he has grown from the programs offered by them. The variety of activities as well as the excursions are geared to any age level making everyone comfortable.
Jami does an amazing job making all the kids feel included. My son always likes to joke around with her and she is so great to play along with him. I've noticed a big change in his confidence since being a part of this group. With many autism or special needs groups, the parents get very "clicky" and single out certain kids to do everything. Jami includes everyone and makes everyone feel important.
Alex is improving every day and part of it is due to the great programs as well as the great people at SE4SK.
Thank you,
Julie Parlacoski

Hi Jami
Due to his autism, Zach does not interact with his peers. Therefore he has no friends and is not invited to any parties or playdates. So we are so grateful that he is invited to your events. It gives him the opportunity feel included. He is free to flap his hands, make noises and be himself in an opening environment. At the last event, one of the other kids actually talked to Zach and seems interested to get to know him better. He is very much looking forward to the next event.

I can write many things why SE4SK is the most rewarding and relieving program we have experienced. To keep it simple Jami goes above and beyond to make everyone feel special. Everyone who helps out is just as much on board with Jami’s heart for these special people & events. It feels like a family gathering at every event and we are loved beyond measure along with being spoiled.

Being a family with children having special needs can be very isolating. We often focus on all the appointments we have for our children. For my family, I was reluctant to take my family out in the community due to some negative experiences with judgemental people. I love participating with Se4sk events because my children feel welcomed and comfortable. It is a judgement free zone that they can have fun and experience new things with a great group of families and volunteers.

I will tell you our story.
We started fostering kids in 2014. We were both working in the special education department at the time. We asked DCCP to please consider our home for children that were difficult to place due to emotional or physical challenges. We have adopted 7 children. Hailey is 16 and has diabetes. Kendall is 12 and had Congenital Nystagmus and is being followed by the commission for the blind. Gabby has Cerebral Palsy and is in a wheel chair. Hayden is on the Autism Spectrum and has ADHD/Anxiety. Jorgey is also ASD/ADHD. Cooper is autistic with ADHD and Jacob has PTSD and ADHD. Unfortunately most of these kiddos went through some horrible stuff before coming to us or were exposed/addicted when born. Having a group like SE4SK to belong to is extremely exciting for them. They enjoy all of the activities and get so pumped when we have an event to go to. They feel special and like they belong!!! I can’t say enough about how awesome this group is!!! They are so generous with the gifts and with their time. I see my kids so genuinely happy at each event and that’s what it’s all about.
Sandra Montgomery
Donna Wilson

My son Daniel is a very high functioning young man with Autism, ADHD, and very bad anxiety. With those diagnoses, he has severe social issues, no friends, and great difficulties even leaving the house. He is now 13, we started going to SE4SK events 5 years ago. At the beginning, he was only willing to stay for around 15 minutes. But, SE4SK is a judgement free zone so it was fine. Now, he attends as many events as he can and stays til the end. SE4SK is his place for social interactions. I don't know what we would do without an organization like this! Just having some place to go and be accepted in a social atmosphere and have fun is awesome. And it is exactly what his doctors and therapists say he needs. My son does not smile much, and does not enjoy many experiences but he does have a good time at SE4SK events. Attached is a picture (not posed) of Daniel truly enjoying himself and smiling at an SE4SK Winter Festival. It does my heart good, seeing him smile like that, and it is thanks to SE4SK and their volunteers.
Jeanne Woerner